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‘中欧体育’太阳系其他星球水资源远胜地球 木星水量最大

时间:2024-09-21 03:52:20

   本文摘要:The next time someone asks you where the biggest ocean is, point them toward Jupiter. While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles (1,333 cubic km) of water, our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the Solar System.再来有人回答你哪个星球的海洋最宽阔,你就说道木星。

The next time someone asks you where the biggest ocean is, point them toward Jupiter. While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles (1,333 cubic km) of water, our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the Solar System.再来有人回答你哪个星球的海洋最宽阔,你就说道木星。尽管地球享有3.2亿立方英里(1333立方千米)水资源,我们的星球比起太阳系的其他星球而言真是就是一片沙漠。

A moon of Jupiter called Europa, for example, which is roughly the size of our own Moon, likely hides a subsurface ocean with more than twice as much water as there is on Earth.比如,木星的一颗名为欧罗巴(木卫二)的卫星,体积和我们的月球差不多,有可能隐蔽着一片次表层海洋,水量是地球的两倍多。Yet even that pales in comparison to Europa’s neighbour Ganymede; more than 30 times as much water as our home planet is thought to reside there as liquid and ice.即便享有这样的水量,木卫二互为比邻星木卫三毕竟相形见绌;木卫三享有的液态和固态水量多达了地球水量的30倍。And scientists keep finding more water wherever they look. On September 28, researchers reported that Dione - a small moon of Saturn - probably has a subsurface ocean, too.而且,科学家还在大大找到水资源非常丰富的星球。9月28日,研究人员报告称之为,土星的一颗小卫星土卫四很有可能也享有一片次表层海洋。

To see just how Earth stacks up agains other ocean worlds, Business Insider contacted Steve Vance, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who’s crunched the numbers on just how much water might be out there.为了搞清楚地球在太阳系海洋世界的实力,商业内幕网联系了美国宇航局喷气前进实验室的行星科学家史蒂夫凡思,他运算出有了其他星球的水量数据。The to-scale graphic below uses Vance’s data to show the plausible volumes of water (both liquid and ice) for the nine ocean worlds verified so far:下面的这张等比例绘制图运用凡思的数据表明出有到目前为止已证实的太阳系九大行星海洋的理论水量(还包括液态和固态水):In order of how much water they have, from the least to the most, they are: Enceladus, Dione, Earth, Europa, Pluto, Triton, Callisto, Titan, and Ganymede.按照享有的水量排序,从少到多依序是:土卫二,土卫四,地球,木卫二,冥王星,海卫一,木卫四,土卫六和木卫三。Mimas, a moon of Saturn, and Ceres, the largest asteroid in the Solar System, are also thought to have subsurface oceans - but scientists aren’t yet sure how big each one might be.土星的卫星土卫一和太阳系仅次于小行星谷神星也被指出享有次表层海洋,但科学家尚能无法确认这两颗星球上的海洋有多大。



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